Pictures for May 2003

Part 6


Trail = Spanky's


Left:  Scott on his brand new 2003 Balfa BB7...soooo clean  Right: Scott "cleaning" his BB7, how nice.


Trail = Big Ed

Left:  Scott on the first log of Triple Threat  Right: Scott about to ride the rest of Triple Threat


Trail = Gillard Forestry Road

Left:  Learn to carpool!  7 cars that I passed in my truck going up Gillard Forestry Road.  One of them kinda died at the top.  Middle:  My truck with 6 bikes in it...yes, that is snow in the middle of May!  Right: Chris going off of the first gap on Kerplop

Left: Chris going off of Papa Bear  Middle: Jeff going off of Mama Bear  Right:  Rick going way up off of Papa Bear.

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